Results for 'Lidia Turner Martí'

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  1.  11
    Notes on Ernesto Che Guevara's ideas on pedagogy.Lidia Turner Martí - 2014 - Winnipeg, Manitoba: Fernwood Publishing.
    Available for the first time in English, Ernesto Che introduces readers to this important figure's pedagogical thinking. One of Guevara's enduring contributions was his insistence that a new socialist society involved not only economic and political change, but also the creation of what he called "a new man." "Collectivism," says author Linda Turner Martî, "was considered by Che a very important part of the personality of the Cuban socialist man." Martî points out that in Che's vision "the education of (...)
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  2. Del pensamiento pedagógico de Ernesto Che Guevara.Lidia Turner Martí - 1999 - La Habana: Editorial Capitan San Luis.
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    José Martí: paradigm of generosity.Ana Lidia Torres Armenteros & López Lara - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (2):382-391.
    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de argumentar cómo se manifiesta la generosidad en la vida y obra de José Martí. Muestra la necesidad e importancia de recurrir a sus obras para fortalecer este valor desde los escenarios familiares, escolares, comunitarios y sociales. Se concluyó que la generosidad constituye en la actualidad una tarea pedagógica de gran importancia y el legado martiano es una vía obligada a recorrer. This work has the objective of analyzing how the generosity in Marti's life and (...)
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    José Martí en la formación ético-humanista del futuro profesional de la Salud.Ana Lidia Torres Armenteros, Yohaysa Pérez Alfonso & Sura Chávez Hernández - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (2):0-0.
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    Coincidences in the social-political and cultural conceptions of Carlos Marx and José Martí.Dairy Basulto Barreras, Olga Lidia Barreras López, José Rafael Sánchez Méndez & Robin Ávila Gutiérrez - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):670-683.
    RESUMEN El presente estudio está dirigido a establecer coincidencias entre el pensamiento de José Martí y de Carlos Marx en el terreno filosófico. Ambos representan los más altos exponentes del saber filosófico y humanista de la cultura europea y latinoamericana del siglo XIX, respectivamente, con un alcance genuinamente universal. No fue objetivo en modo alguno convertir a Martí en marxista, del mismo modo que sería absurdo afiliar a Marx a las ideas y las concepciones martianas. Sin embargo, no es posible (...)
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    Intuitionistic common knowledge or belief.Gerhard Jäger & Michel Marti - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 18:150-163.
  7. Rigidity and general terms.Genoveva Marti - 2004 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 104 (1):131-148.
    In this paper I examine two ways of defining the rigidity of general terms. First I discuss the view that rigid general terms express essential properties. I argue that the view is ultimately unsatisfactory, although not on the basis of the standard objections raised against it. I then discuss the characterisation in terms of sameness of designation in every possible world. I defend that view from two objections but I argue that the approach, although basically right, should be interpreted cautiously.
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    La filosofía de Isaiah Berlin: de la libertad al liberalismo.Vicente Abril Martínez - 2014 - [València]: Institució Alfons el Magnànim, Diputació de València.
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    Componente humanistico en la carrera de ingeniería.Octavio Acosta Martínez - 1996 - Valencia, Venezuela: Universidad de Carabobo, Facultad de Ingeniería.
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  10. Dios, espíritu y materia, esencia, función, coordinación.Angel Lizarte Martínez - 1944 - [Montevideo,: Editorial Florensa & Lafon].
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  11. Social Innovation: Integrating Micro, Meso, and Macro Level Insights From Institutional Theory.Ignasi Martí, Frank G. A. de Bakker, Silvia Dorado, Charlene Zietsma & Jakomijn van Wijk - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (5):887-918.
    Social innovations are urgently needed as we confront complex social problems. As these social problems feature substantial interdependencies among multiple systems and actors, developing and implementing innovative solutions involve the re-negotiating of settled institutions or the building of new ones. In this introductory article, we introduce a stylized three-cycle model highlighting the institutional nature of social innovation efforts. The model conceptualizes social innovation processes as the product of agentic, relational, and situated dynamics in three interrelated cycles that operate at the (...)
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    Empathy as a predictor of prosocial behavior and the perceived seriousness of delinquent acts: a cross-cultural comparison of Argentina and Spain.Lucas Marcelo Rodriguez, Manuel Martí-Vilar, Javier Esparza Reig & Belén Mesurado - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (2):91-101.
    ABSTRACT Empathy is relevant to sociomoral development, especially in relation to prosociality and the penalization of acts as faults and crimes. The objective of this research was to test whether empathy is a predictor of prosociality and of perceptions of seriousness of delinquent acts among research participants in Argentina and Spain. The Argentinian sample comprised 215 high school and university students. The Spanish sample comprised 199 university students. The proposed theoretical model showed good fit in both countries. Although empathy was (...)
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    What makes a science 'mature'?: Patterns of organizational control in scientific production.Stephan Fuchs & Jonathan H. Turner - 1986 - Sociological Theory 4 (2):143-150.
  14. General terms, rigidity and the trivialization problem.Genoveva Martí & José Martínez-Fernández - 2011 - Synthese 181 (2):277 - 293.
    We defend the view that defines the rigidity of general terms as sameness of designated universal across possible worlds from the objection that such a characterization is incapable of distinguishing rigid from non-rigid readings of general terms and, thus, that it trivializes the notion of rigidity. We also argue that previous attempts to offer a solution to the trivialization problem do no succeed.
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  15. Legal Disagreements and Theories of Reference.Genoveva Marti & Lorena Ramírez-Ludeña - 2016 - In Alessandro Capone & Francesca Poggi (eds.), Pragmatics and Law: Philosophical Perspectives. Cham: Springer. pp. 121-139.
    In this work we examine critically how two competing approaches to meaning account for disagreements. We will argue that Hart's conventionalist stance does not commit him to descriptivism. That non-descriptivist theories of reference, properly understood, can account for a vast array of cases of interpretive disagreement and that and that an account of different kinds of disagreement can be provided from a conventionalist perspective within the framework of non-descriptivist theories of reference.
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    Parent Involvement in the Getting Ready for School Intervention Is Associated With Changes in School Readiness Skills.Maria Marti, Emily C. Merz, Kelsey R. Repka, Cassie Landers, Kimberly G. Noble & Helena Duch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The semantics of plural indefinite noun phrases in Spanish and Portuguese.Luisa Martí - 2008 - Natural Language Semantics 16 (1):1-37.
    In this paper I provide a decompositional analysis of three kinds of plural indefinites in two related languages, European Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. The three indefinites studied are bare plurals, the unos (Spanish)/uns (Portuguese) type, and the algunos (Spanish)/alguns (Portuguese) type. The paper concentrates on four properties: semantic plurality, positive polarity, partitivity, and event distribution. The logic underlying the analysis is that of compositionality, applied at the subword level: as items become bigger in form (with the addition of morphemes), they (...)
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    La filosofía de la historia a partir de Hegel.Mariano Alvarez-Gómez, Paredes Martín & María del Carmen (eds.) - 2009 - Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca.
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    La Filosofía de Zubiri en el contexto de la crisis europea.Angel Alvarez Gómez & Rafael Martínez Castro (eds.) - 1996 - [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
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  20. Anima, spiritus, mens y animus en la "suma contra gentiles" de Tomás de Aquino.Gabriel Martí Andrés - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:111-132.
    La diversificación moderna de los saberes sobre el ser humano ha llevado a una visión diversificada de la antropología tomista. Se impone una vuelta revitalizadora a esta antropología que muestre la unidad estructural que para Santo Tomás tienen el alma y el hombre. El trabajo se centrará en las tres tesis que articulan la teoría tomista del espíritu y, en concreto, la exposición que nuestro autor hace en la Summa contra gentiles, obra capital en la producción del Angélico que, sin (...)
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  21. Concepción del cosmos.Rafael Arévalo Martínez - 1954 - Guatemala: [Editorial Landívar].
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    La lógica de la analogía: perspectivas actuales sobre el rol de las analogías en ciencias y en filosofía.Gustavo Arroyo & Horacio Martín Sisto (eds.) - 2020 - Los Polvorines, Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones UNGS, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.
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    Una revisión crítica del debate sobre las necesidades humanas desde el enfoque centrado en la persona.Antonio Elizalde, Manuel Martí Vilar & Francisco Martínez Salvá - 2006 - Polis 15.
    El artículo presenta algunos de los diferentes modelos teórico-explicativos sobre las necesidades humanas; revisa el estado del arte en las publicaciones recientes, y evalúa críticamente las limitaciones y potenciales que ellas tienen, desde una mirada sistémica y fenoménica desde un enfoque centrado en la persona.
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  24. Is working memory capacity task specific.Rw Engle & Ml Turner - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):331-331.
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    In Defence of War.James Turner Johnson - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (4):386-393.
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    Recognizing the Ethical Pitfalls of Female Engagement in Conflict Zones.Richard Ledet, Pete A. Turner & Sharon Emeigh - 2019 - Journal of Military Ethics 17 (4):198-210.
    ABSTRACTThis paper identifies some of the ethical problems encountered when Western-led military forces conduct operations designed to improve the condition of women in modern conflict zones. We rely on examples from recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, where commanders were required to direct some of their capabilities toward female-based initiatives. Critics have charged that such initiatives were not adequately linked to doctrine-based training, and also that the methods used to build relationships with women were unsuccessful because they were not properly (...)
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    A model of dynamic, within-trial conflict resolution for decision making.Emily R. Weichart, Brandon M. Turner & Per B. Sederberg - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (5):749-777.
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    Identity and national identity.Qiang Liu & David Turner - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (12):1080-1088.
    This article reviews the history of international mobility of students from China to other countries over the century and a half from 1870 to the present day. Different motivations, goals, courses, and knowledge are considered, together with how the purposes of individuals have matched national policy. Implications for the future development in a globalized context are briefly considered.
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    La filosofía de las ciencias humanas y sociales de H. G. Gadamer.Juana Ma Martínez - 1994 - Barcelona: PPU, S.A..
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  30. The Psychoanalyst and the Philosopher. [REVIEW]Donald Turner - 2006 - Janus Head 9 (1).
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    Democracy in the age of global markets.Urs Marti, Luc Foisneau, Christian Hiebaum, Jean-Christophe Merle & Juan Carlos Velasco - 2013 - In Urs Marti, Luc Foisneau, Christian Hiebaum, Jean-Christophe Merle & Juan Carlos Velasco (eds.), Marti, Urs (2013). Democracy in the age of global markets. In: Foisneau, Luc; Hiebaum, Christian; Merle, Jean-Christophe; Velasco, Juan Carlos. Spheres of Global Justice. pp. 65-74.
  32. Enciclopedia Ibero-Americana de Filosofía. Vol. 16.Genoveva Marti - 1999 - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
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  33. Einige philosophische Bemerkungen zu Montagues Grammatik.Duen Marti-Huang - 1986 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 33:141-152.
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    Fictive discourse and the structures of literature: a phenomenological approach.Félix Martínez Bonati - 1981 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press.
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    Governance: die neue Aufmerksamkeit für politische und rechtliche Voraussetzungen für Entwicklung.Urs Marti & Georg Kohler - 2003 - In Georg Kohler & Urs Marti (eds.), Konturen der Neuen Weltordnung: Beiträge Zu Einer Theorie der Normativen Prinzipien Internationaler Politik. De Gruyter.
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  36. Heraldos de la verdad: Montaigne, Balzac, Nietzsche.Ezequiel Martínez Estrada - 1958 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova.
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    La filosofía en Al-Ándalus.Andrés Martínez Lorca (ed.) - 2017 - [Córdoba]: Almuzara.
    La presente obra ofrece una perspectiva abierta de la filosofía de al-Andalus con enfoques diversos y complementarios a cargo de reconocidos especialistas del arabismo, el hebraísmo y el pensamiento medieval: Miguel Asín Palacios, Manuel Alonso, Roger Arnaldez, Miguel Cruz Hernández, Fernando Díaz Esteban, Salvador Gómez Nogales, David Gonzalo Maeso, Joaquín Lomba, Andrés Martínez Lorca y Juan Vernet. Novedad importante que reflejan estas páginas es la integración de los filósofos judíos y musulmanes en la casa común de al-Andalus, como históricamente aconteció. (...)
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    La inmortalidad como sempiternidad: un estudio sobre el ser del espíritu humano en Tomás de Aquino.Gabriel Martí Andrés - 2004 - [Málaga]: Universidad de Málaga.
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    Posiciones éticas: entre el cuidado de sí y el prójimo.Guillem Martí Soler - 2014 - Isegoría 51:793-808.
    Una aproximación a dos reflexiones filosóficas contemporáneas. En primer lugar, abordamos las últimas aportaciones de Michel Foucault sobre la ética, en el marco de la noción de “cuidado de sí”. En segundo lugar, nos ocupamos de la ética de Emmanuel Levinas, centrada en la idea del prójimo. El mismo marco de una ética del otro permite un enlace con algunas ideas de Simone Weil. Sin pretenderlas congruentes, estas dos filosofías conllevan una importante crítica de la noción de sujeto y de (...)
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    Política y felicidad: análisis fragmentario de una versión sobre lo imposible.Gladis Ana Catalina Martínez - 2017 - Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos, Argentina: Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos.
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    Responsabilidad social universitaria: acción aplicada de valoración del bienestar psicológico en personas adultas mayores institucionalizadas.Juan José Martí Noguera, Francisco Martínez Salvá, Manuel Martí Vilar & Ricard Marí Mollá - 2007 - Polis 18.
    La sociedad atraviesa una serie de transformaciones en sus relaciones entre instituciones y comunidad; en este marco la universidad, desde su misión académica centrada en la formación e investigación para el desarrollo de conocimientos, está promoviendo una mayor implicación hacia las necesidades de la sociedad, a lo que se denomina responsabilidad social universitaria (RSU). Este artículo presenta cómo, desde una perspectiva humanista, se constituye una comunidad social de investigación entre la Unidad de Investigación Enfoque Centrado en la Persona de la (...)
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    Amistad y reconocimiento. Sobre la philia aristotélica. Lo que Aristóteles vio y Hegel pasó por alto.Miguel Martí - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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  43. The Republican Democratization of Criminal Law and Justice.Jose Luis Marti - 2009 - In Samantha Besson & José Luis Martí (eds.), Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
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    Public Attitudes to Contingent Valuation and Public Consultation 1.Roy Brouwer, Neil Powe, R. Kerry Turner, Ian J. Bateman & Ian H. Langford - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (3):325-347.
    The use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in environmental decision-making and the contingent valuation (CV) technique as input into traditional CBA to elicit environmental values in monetary terms has stimulated an extensive debate. Critics have questioned the appropriateness of both the method and the technique. Some alternative suggestions for the elicitation of environmental values are based on a social process of deliberation. However, just like traditional economic theory, these alternative approaches may be questioned on their implicit value judgements regarding the legitimacy (...)
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  45. Ensayos sobre la filosofía en el al-Andalus.Manuel Alonso Alonso & Andrés Martínez Lorca (eds.) - 1990 - Barcelona: Editorial Anthropos.
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    La ciencia política de Guillermo O'Donnell.Martín D'Alessandro, Gabriela Ippolito-O'Donnell & Osvaldo Iazzetta (eds.) - 2015 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Eudeba.
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    Nuces Philosophicae: Or, the Philosophy of Things as Developed from the Study of the Philosophy of Words.Edward Johnson & Robert Samuel Turner - 2015 - Arkose Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    El saber filosófico.Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.) - 2007 - México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México.
    v. 1. Antiguo y moderno - - v. 2. Sociedad y ciencia -- v. 3. Tópicos del saber filosófico.
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    El tiempo: su paso por la existencia humana.Miguel Angel Martí - 2006 - Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias.
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    Onesided Discussion with Karl Rahner.Fritz Marti - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 61 (1):1-26.
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